Friday, 8 July 2022

My guide to organising at work is coming soon from Pluto Press

I've written a book, Workers Can Win! A Guide to Organising At Work, which Pluto are publishing soon.

There's lots more information about it on a new website,, including Chapter 1 which you can read for free, and details of how to order a copy.

This is a video some comrades made to promote it:

I hope you find it useful - if you do, please help get it into the hands of workers who would benefit from it.

Praise for Workers Can Win

"Just at the time when workers are mobilising to tackle the economic and climate crises we all face, this invaluable handbook comes along to provide an essential guide to winning." John McDonnell MP.

"A must read for every trade union activist." Lyn-Marie O’Hara, Glasgow equal pay striker.

"Workers have needed a practical, positive, accessible guide to organising in Britain for a long time and Ian, using his vast experience in the area has created just that! It will be a valuable resource for union representatives and organisers wanting to grow their branch and union!" Sarah Woolley, General Secretary, Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union.

"In the age of climate breakdown, militant worker organising is as urgent as ever. Workers and environmentalists share a common enemy in the capitalist class and Allinson gives us all a powerful guide of how to effectively organise for social change from our workplaces. If you’re wondering what you can do in the fight for climate justice then read Workers Can Win!, join your union, and get organising." Chris Saltmarsh, co-founder of Labour for a Green New Deal and author of Burnt: Fighting for Climate Justice

"Drawing on years of experience, Unite activist Ian Allinson has written an organizing handbook that will be invaluable for rank and file organizers and trade union professionals alike. Allinson offers timely, concrete analysis and advice that will be an aid to activists across the trade union movement in today’s difficult work environment." Kim Moody, a founder of Labor Notes in the US, author of several books on trade unions and politics and currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of Westminster.

"Workplaces are key sites of struggle against the hostile environment for migrants, and so to tackle these injustices against migrants we need strong unions. Workers Can Win is a readable, practical guide for organising at work and building the power we need to fight back against oppression." Ida Jarsve, co-founder, Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants.

"Workers Can Win is a vital resource for anyone serious about taking part in trade union work at any level, and also extremely useful for anyone working for positive change in their community." Brendan Montague, editor of The Ecologist and member of the National Union of Journalists.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Why so quiet?

I've been getting a few questions lately, so wanted to post an update.

As I'm not in a workplace at the moment, I stepped down from the various Unite committees I was on. I'm still active in Unite (though the machine doesn't make this easy!) but am contributing more via Unite Rank and File rather than posting here - this site is now largely dormant.

I'm also being asked about the long-anticipated Unite General Secretary election, as few expect McCluskey to manage a full term for the first time. It's noticeable that there are various rule changes up for discussion next week which aim to increase or close down democracy. If there is an election any time soon I won't be standing again. I stood as a rank and file candidate. I hope there will be a strong rank and file voice in any election, but given that I'm not currently active in a workplace I don't think that should be me.

I was also elected President of Manchester TUC earlier this year.

I've made a video about how workplaces can get involved with the climate strikes, an issue which we should all be getting more involved in, and where Unite should be doing much more - fighting for good climate jobs rather than backing destructive and unsustainable projects while jobs continue to be slaughtered. UCU and BFAWU have already adopted policy backing the climate strikes. The silence from McCluskey and our Executive Council urgently needs to end.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Ian Allinson v Fujitsu Services Limited Employment Tribunal case resolved

Ian Allinson had been seeking reinstatement with his former employer, Fujitsu Services Limited. The claims have now been resolved in a manner acceptable to both parties but which include the claimant accepting that he will not be reinstated.