Monday, 3 October 2011

UNITE constitutional structures

The following notice has been issued by the General Secretary to National Officers, Regional Secretaries and the Political Director:

Constitutional Structures in Unite

At its most recent meeting the EC unanimously carried a number of amendments to the constitutional structures within the union which in many cases will have the effect of changing the Rules where appropriate.

Branches and workplace reps – the period of office for branch officers will now be for three years (bringing this into line with the period of office for workplace reps decided at the Rules Conference in June). There will be a defined period of office for both branch officers and workplace reps (for both legacy sections) which will run from July to the June three years later.

The first new period will begin in July 2012.

For established branches the AGM should be held in June 2012, notice for which and a call for nominations for branch officers must be given no later than the May preceding the AGM.

For new branches, especially those that come into existence after the EC meeting of December 2011, elections for officers should be held in the early part of 2012 which will also count as the appropriate election for taking office in July 2012.

Please note that the change to Rule agreed by the Rules Conference allows for workplace reps’ elections to take place on a frequency of up to every three years; should industrial circumstances, or particular workplace traditions, dictate that elections are necessary more frequently than three years that is permissible, but under no circumstances less frequently. Elections, other than casual vacancies, should always take place in June to ensure synchronisation with other aspects of the union’s constitutional structure.

RISCs/AACs/Regional Equalities Committees

The term of office of those elected to these Committees is now for three years starting from September 2012, therefore the period of office of the current Committees is extended by one year.

A maximum of two extra seats are to added to each AAC for retired members and a maximum of two extra seats are to added to each AAC for community members. Regions should advise of exact numbers in the current review of the composition of AACs.

Regional Young Members’ Committees and Regional Retired Members’ Committees

The term of office of those elected to these Committees is now for three years starting from September 2012, therefore the period of office of the current Committees is extended by one year.

Regional Committees/NISCs/National Equalities Committees

The term of office of those elected to these Committees is now for three years starting from October 2012, therefore the period of office of the current Committees is extended by one year.

National Young Members’ Committees and National Retired Members’ Committees

The term of office of those elected to these Committees is now for three years starting from October 2012, therefore the period of office of the current Committees is extended by one year.

Regional and National Political Committee

The term of office of those elected to these Committees is now for three years starting with the Regional Political Conferences in the New Year of 2013; therefore the period of office of the current Committees is extended accordingly. The Committees are to meet on a quarterly basis.

The full text of the EC decision is attached:

Workplace Representation and Branches

  1. All workplace representatives and branch officers shall hold office for a three year period, starting 1 July 2012. The elections for workplace representatives and branch officers shall take place and be completed by 30 June 2012.
  1. Branch AGMs will be held in June each year.
  1. After 1 July 2012, vacancies caused by workplace recall or casual vacancies caused by other reasons may be filled at the workplace or at a branch meeting, as appropriate, the period of office being until the end of the triennial period.

Essentially, this change reads over the Rule change on the period of office of workplace reps and apply to branch officers and then amends Rule 17 by shifting the end of the electoral period from December to June. By ensuring that workplace and branch elections are held by June it is envisaged that the then current cohort of lay office holders would be eligible for election to the RISCs, AACs and Regional Equality Committees later in the year.

This will also allow for the EC to receive proposals for branch reorganisation from the Regions in December 2011, subject to EC endorsement these changes can be made operational during the Spring of 2012 with AGMs and elections held by June 2012.

RISCs, AACs and Regional Equality Committees

  1. The three types of sub-regional committee (RISCs, AACs and Regional Equality Committees) should be constituted on a triennial basis.
  1. The RIS Conferences, the first AAMs of the electoral period (attendance at AAMs by retired members and members from community branches will be on a delegate basis) and the 4 Regional Equality Conferences will be convened during September 2012. This conference/meeting will usually be chaired by the chair of the outgoing committee.
  1. It is proposed that a maximum of two extra seats be added to each AAC for retired members and a maximum of two extra seats be added to each AAC for community members.
  1. The RIS Conferences and the AAMs should be so convened to avoid a clash of dates with the Regional Equality Conferences.
  1. The first meeting of the RISCs, AACs and Regional Equality Committees shall take place immediately after their respective conference/meeting; not least to elect (i) a chair and (ii) delegates to the Regional Committee and, as appropriate, the NISCs and National Equality Committees.
  1. Thereafter the RISCs, AACs and Regional Equality Committees shall meet quarterly, ie, December, March, June and September. This first period of office would end with the June meeting 2015.
  1. The RISCs and the AACs should be so convened to avoid a clash of dates with the Regional Equality Committees.
  1. The Rule amendment carried at the 1st Rules Conference concerning the declaration of a vacancy should a RISC delegate miss two consecutive meetings without good reason be read across to apply to the other two types of sub-regional committees.

Youth and Retired Members at Regional Level

  1. The Young Members and Retired Members regional conferences (as far as provided for) should meet in September 2012. Both conferences should elect their regional committees, as appropriate, which should meet for the first time immediately after the conference to at least elect (i) a chair and (ii) delegates to the Regional Committee and, as appropriate, the National Youth or RMA Committees.
  1. Thereafter the regional young members and regional retired members committees should meet quarterly, mirroring the RISCs, etc, for a three year period. Again, the first period of office would end with the June meeting 2015.

Regional Committees, National Industrial Sector Committees and National Equality Committees

  1. The Regional Committees, National Industrial Sector Committees and National Equality Committees should be constituted on a triennial basis.
  1. The Regional Committees, NISCs and National Equality Committees should meet in the Autumn of 2012.
  1. The Regional Committees, NISCs and National Equality Committees should generally meet during October and thereafter shall meet quarterly generally during January, April and July.
  1. The first period office would end with the July meeting 2015.

National Youth Committee and National Retired Members’ Committee

  1. The National Youth Committee and National Retired Members Committee should hold office for a three year term, starting from October 2012, and should meet quarterly, ie, January/April/July/October. The first term of office under this proposal will end with the July 2015 meeting.

Rule 22: Political Structures: the Labour Party

  1. The regional and national political structures of the union to be put on a triennial basis, starting with the Regional Political Conferences to be held in the New Year of 2013.
  1. This Regional Political Conferences will usually be chaired by the chair of the outgoing committee. The Regional Political Conferences will elect the Regional Political Committee in numbers previously agreed by the EC.
  1. The first meeting of the Regional Political Committee shall take place immediately after their respective conference; not least to elect (i) a chair and (ii) delegates to the National Political Committee in numbers previously agreed by the EC.
  1. The Regional Political Committees and the National Political Committee shall meet on a quarterly cycle with the RPCs term of office expiring at the end of 2016.

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