Wednesday 5 December 2012

All-out strike at Tesco / Eddie Stobart

UNITE members at Eddie Stobart in Doncaster start an all-out strike tonight against plans to get rid of them straight after they were outsourced byTesco.

They will be protesting at Tesco stores and are holding a demonstration in Doncaster on Saturday.

For more information, see the UNITE press release.

Many workers across all sectors are affected by outsourcing and the weak protection offered by the TUPE regulations.  We should all get behind the members at Eddie Stobart and put as much pressure on Tesco to sort this out as possible.


Anonymous said...

its about time you lot came to live in real world im on £6.90 hour and i do 52 hour week for less than you lot get

Ian said...

Anonymous - you genius. This strike is to save jobs, not over pay. Sounds like you need a union at your workplace to me, rather than wishing other people out of their jobs. Perhaps the directors of Tescos - a hugely profitable company - should get the "real world".

Anonymous said...

serves em right for boasting about earning £1000 plus per week (FACT).they are lorry DRIVERS for goodness sake.

Ian said...

For anyone with a better grip on reality than Anonymous (are you the CEO of Tesco by any chance?), you can send donations, cheques payable to "GWU 8-9/490 Branch Tesco Contract" c/o Harriet Eisner, Unite, Sovereign Court, 300 Barrow Road, Sheffield S9 1JQ.

Anonymous said...

IAN This is not about saving jobs it's about money,these drivers have been offered jobs but have turned them down because they would be working for LESS money under stobarts terms & conditions.Most of the drivers would be quite happy to accept the latest redundancy package offered by stobart but are being influenced by a core minority to turn it down.25b

Malcolm said...

The real world is let's pay drivers less today than we did last year , because they won't stick together so the bosses can do what they want with impunity.

Ian said...

I think the settlement, based on an improved redundancy package, shows that both Anonymous and Malcolm got this wrong.

Clearly it's sad that they didn't manage to stop the dismissals altogether.