Saturday, 23 March 2013

Support Steve Acheson, anti-blacklisting campaigner

There are few people who can claim to have done as much as UNITE activist Steve Acheson to expose the illegal blacklisting of workers by employers, particularly in the construction industry.  Many have been blacklisting for trying to ensure a safe working environment for workers in one of the most hazardous industries, or for trade union activity.

Steve has been protesting outside Fiddlers Ferry power station since he was sacked from his job there in December 2008 as a result of being on the blacklist as a "troublemaker".  He's faced every sort of harassment - even having to fight off charges under anti-terrorism legislation to defend his right to protest.

Steve's stand led to the blacklisting Consulting Association being raided by the Information Commissioner over offences against the Data Protection Act.  Its manager, Ian Kerr, gave evidence before a House of Commons inquiry a few months ago.  Kerr promised to give further evidence in private about matters involving the security services, but his sudden and unexpected death prevented him doing so.

There is an appeal to raise £25,000 to avoid Steve losing his home as a result of the illegal conspiracy to deny him work.

I was priviledged to attend a social event last night which raised over £1000 for Steve, and this is the video of parts of it:

Donations payable to "Fiddlers Ferry Hardship Fund" can be sent via Warrington Trades Union Council, 6 Red Gables, Pepper Street, Warrington, WA4 4SB.

For more information see the Blacklist Blog.

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