For years the government has been slashing at the NHS, cutting and privatising to boost the profits of the private health vultures (many of whom have unsavoury links to MPs and other decision makers).
Now Cameron and Hunt have decided to take on both junior doctors and student nurses.
The proposed changes to out of hours arrangements for junior doctors wouldn't just mean a pay cut for many, but remove financialy penalties for trusts who jeopardise safety by making them work excessive hours. The proposals have been branded #notsafenotfair. After an impressive strike vote it was great to see so many out on the picket line for the first time this morning.
Meanwhile the government plans to remove bursaries from student nurses, replacing them with student loans. This system is bad enough for any course, but student nurses actually work full time for a large amount of their training. This would mean them actually
paying to work.
The striking thing about the situation is how the government is managing to unite health workers. The idea that weekends could run a weekday service without extra resources is ludicrous. And other health workers know that if the Tories beat the junior doctors, they are bound to attack their terms next because junior doctors can't provide a weekday service without all the other hospital departments and functions.
It's worth remembering that "number 10"
described Cameron's assault on junior doctors as his "miners' strike". The whole working class paid the price for years for the defeat of the miners. We cannot afford any repeat, least of all when our NHS is at stake. Health workers deserve maximum support and solidarity.
It's a crime that health workers have to strike at all. Before solidarity strikes were outlawed (and unions obeyed these laws) other workers sometimes struck "on behalf of" health workers so that they could continue their vital work. As the Tories push through their Trade Union Bill and try to outlaw most trade unionism, will this kind of action be back on the cards again if workers feel there is no point trying to comply?
This is the appeal from the BMA:
current situation:
Doctors across England will be commencing industrial action on Tuesday 12th January. We are opposing this
government’s attempt to impose an unsafe new contract on the medical
profession. It is our view that the proposed contract represents an existential
danger to the NHS as an institution.
You may be
aware that the BMA had initially suspended its planned industrial action at the
start of December and returned to talks with the Department of Health. That
decision was made in good faith. However, over the last few weeks, in the
course of negotiations with Government we have encountered only intransigence.
It is clear that the government perceives our contract issue as
pivotal for its attempt to “reform” the NHS towards a neoliberal,
commercialised system.
It is
therefore evident to us that we have no choice but to transform our 98% ballot
mandate into action.
developments of the next few months will have consequences stretching far into
the future. This government is wilfully putting at risk our patients' safety,
the tolerability of our working lives as NHS workers and the very viability of
the NHS as a publicly-funded, publicly-provided service.
Why we
need YOU
The coming
period will be the ultimate test of the BMA’s resolve as a Union. However, we
remain mindful of the fact that the BMA is not an abstract entity operating in
isolation from wider political developments. There is no way that we can win
this on our own. We need all concerned citizens, activists and trade unionists
to stand alongside us in this fight.
Over the
last few months we have been in dialogue with many trade unionists throughout
the country and we have been enormously grateful for their support both at a
local and national level. The public messages of support from our allied health
worker colleagues, the firefighters, the teaching unions and the TUC and TUCG
unions have galvanised junior doctors.
We are
therefore well aware that all eyes are upon us and that the institutions which
represent the wider working class stand with us in solidarity.
We are in
no doubt that Osborne, Cameron and Hunt will use the proposed doctor’s contract
as a tool for achieving the destruction of safe terms and conditions throughout
the NHS and throughout the public sector. The Conservative Party is attempting
to stretch the NHS into an ostensibly 7-day elective service whilst
simultaneously launching the biggest assault on NHS resources in its history.
The politics of austerity represents a clear and present danger to the nation’s
A victory
for the Junior Doctors would signify the first real crack in the entire edifice
of austerity in the UK.
stand with us. And when you need us, ask us. We will stand by you.
to attend our pickets
On behalf
of the entire BMA we thank you all for your incredible support so far. Many of
you will have seen the details with regards to the planned action and I will
reiterate them below. We invite you to come out and display your visible
support for us on the days of action.
The action will begin with an emergency care-only model, which
would see junior doctors provide the same level of service that happens in
their given specialty, hospital or GP practice on Christmas Day. It will then
escalate to full walk-outs. The action as proposed is:
Emergency care only — 24 hrs from 8am Tuesday 12 January to
8am Wednesday 13 January
Emergency care only — 48 hrs from 8am Tuesday 26th January to
8am Thursday 28 January
Full withdrawal of labour — from
8am to 5pm Wednesday 10th February
The aim is to picket all major hospitals in England on all three
days of proposed action. Pickets will be in the vicinity of the main entrances
and will start at 8am, continuing until at least 12.30pm. However, many picket
sites will continue into the evening, especially at the larger hospitals.
Along with the pickets there will be parallel “Meet the Doctors”
events at nearby transport stops or public spaces. We will direct you to these
events from the picket.
Please turn up on the days of action, and give us your support. We
will then inform you if other local events are planned on the day. If you are
an allied health worker, trade unionist or campaigner please do consider
bringing along the banner representing your organisation, your working uniform
or similar. We would appreciate it however if banners in explicit endorsement
of specific political parties are not displayed and that any selling of
campaign literature such as newspapers is relatively discreet.
On the days of action, please do debate us, educate us and invite
us to address your colleagues in your workplace or trade union branch.
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of
another important upcoming date. On Saturday 9th January
student nurses, midwives and allied health workers will be marching in
opposition to Government plans to scrap the NHS student bursary. The protest
will assemble outside St Thomas’s hospital at midday and proceed to Downing St.
The BMA will be marching alongside the nursing students and we hope to see you
Just as the social democratic consensus in this country began with the
inception of the NHS in 1948 so too will the NHS be the site of Britain’s last
stand against the all-consuming forces of austerity.
Solidarity is the antidote to the cynicism of those in power. Now
is the time to stand together in a common defence of the NHS. If not now, when?
Kind regards
Dr Yannis Gourtsoyannis, Member of
BMA Junior Doctors Committee National Executive.
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