Saturday, 17 December 2016

ian4unite web site launched: Elect Ian Allinson as Unite General Secretary

This General Secretary election shouldn't even be happening. Like a million other Unite members it came as a surprise to me and until it was announced I had no plans to stand. The election timetable makes it as hard as possible for any challenger - it is an abuse of power.

Yet since Thursday night when I announced I was standing the response has been amazing, with offers of help and support from all over the union including people I've never met. This is enabling the campaign to get up and running fast. We already have:

While "more the same" McCluskey has the backing of most of the union machine, and "turn the clock back" Coyne has the backing of many of members' enemies in big business, the media and Westminster, I'm a workplace activist with no resources beyond my own and what supporters can offer. So if you can offer anything to support the campaign, please do get in touch - see the new web site for more information.

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