Sunday 6 April 2008

A busy few weeks in Manchester

There’s lots going on in Manchester in the next few weeks, with the big strikes on 24th April at the centre of it.

Tue 8 April: Public Service Not Private Profit public meeting
Debate the future of public services with speakers: Janice Godrich (PCS National President), Dai Hudd (Prospect General Secretary) and Avis Gilmore (NUT Regional Secretary).
6:30-8:30pm, Tuesday 8th April, Mechanics Institute, Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD
Mon 14 April: “Reinstate Karen Reissmann” Public Meeting & Free “Thank You” Social
Timed to coincide with UNISON Health Conference in Manchester, the meeting will be addressed by Karen Reissmann, Graham Pink (whistleblower from 17 years ago) and Alan Hartman (Manchester User Network).
7:15pm, Monday 14th April at the Radisson Hotel, Peter Street, Manchester (the old Free Trade Hall building).
More info, including leaflets from
Tue 15 April: Fair Pay For Teachers
Pay rally with Bill Greenshields (NUTE Vice-President), Linda Newman (UCU President), Bernadette Gallacher (UNISON NEC), Dave Owens (PCS DWP Group Exec).
7:30pm, Tuesday 15th April, Mechanics Institute, Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD.
Sat 19 April: National Shop Stewards Network north-west conference
OFFU Manchester is supporting this conference, which will be an opportunity to bring together activists from across the movement to debate and build solidarity.
11am-3pm on Saturday 19th April at the Mechanics Institute, Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD.
More info, including leaflets, from
Thu 24 April: National strikes by NUT, UCU, PCS +
Thursday 24th April will be a major focus for anger against pay restraint, cuts and privatisation. As well as the national strikes, a number of other groups intend to take action on the same day.
Please do what you can in your own workplace (even if you aren’t on strike), and take people down to show support on the picket lines.
Most big towns and cities are having rallies etc on the day - I hope Manchester will be among them.
Mon 5 May: May Day in Manchester
Assemble 11:30am, bank holiday Monday 5th May at All Saints, Oxford Road, Manchester. International Workers’ Day march to a rally in St Peter’s Square. The themes are “Healthcare for all”, “Peace”, “Justice for Refugees” and “Trade Union Rights”.
This will be followed by a meeting 2pm-6pm in the Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester (behind Central Library). Provisional programme:
1. 'Workers of the World Unite' with Paul Mason, BBC Newsnight journalist and author of 'Live Working or Die Fighting, how the working class went global'

2. The Flying pickets. Manchester launch of 'The Flying Pickets the 1972 builders' strike and the Shrewsbury trials' with authors Dave Ayre, Reuben Barker, Jim French, Jimmy Graham & Dave Harker
3. Will Kaufman 'Woody Guthrie: Hard Times and Hard Travellin' (see
Shelter Strike
UNITE members at housing charity Shelter have already taken two days strike action against the imposition of worse pay and conditions. The strikes were sufficient to force the employer to talks at ACAS, which resulted in a new offer. The Shelter shop stewards are recommending rejection of the offer, which members are currently being balloted on. They are asking supporters to:
  1. Donate to the strike fund. Cheques payable to “Shelter Strike Fund” can be sent to Shelter Shop Stewards, c/o 48 Swindon Close, Gorton, Manchester, M18 8JQ
  2. Invite a speaker to your meeting by contacting
  3. Send messages of protest to Adam Sampson, Shelter, 88 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HU or asking for it to forwarded to the Board of Directors
  4. Send copies to letters of protest and messages of support to
  5. Contact your MP about the issue and ask them to support Early Day Motion 1016 (

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