Monday, 28 April 2008

UNITE members at Shelter plan to strike again

Shelter stewards say:

Union members in Shelter had two days of well-supported strike action last week.
On Thursday 24th April we not only picketed our own Shelter offices, but also marched with colleagues in the NUT, PCS and UCU in protest against pay freezes and Government attempts to secure services on the cheap.We spoke on a number of platforms around the country and held lobbies of MPs / MSPs in both the House of Commons and the Scottish Parliament.

Shelter union members will be striking again on Wednesday 30th April and Thursday 1st May. Details of the picket lines will follow. Please support us by visiting us on our picket lines.

You can also help us by sending messages of support and by making donations to our strike fund. You can also forward the attached leaflet to those who may not be aware of our dispute.

Many thanks for your ongoing help.

In solidarity,


Anonymous said...

If you're having trouble donating online to the Shelter strike fund, this may be because the account number on the leaflet only has 7 digits (like many LloydsTSB accounts). Just add an extra "0" at the start and it should work fine.

Anonymous said...

Ken Loach on Manchester Shelter picket line: UNITE press release

Anonymous said...

Shelter management have no regard for its staff, has the moral is low right arcross shelter and many employee's have left employment due to the way management have treated staff and taken there skills elsewhere.

Support the strikes, support the real workers in Shelter.