Tuesday, 27 May 2008

First UNITE Executive Council meeting

The first meeting of the UNITE Executive Council took place last week. I apologise that I haven't been able to post a proper report - I've hurt my shoulder and am trying to avoid long periods at a keyboard - not easy in my job!

I notice that Gill George has posted a report on her web site, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The proposed new rule book appears to be re-classifying retired members as associate members. This means that they will no longer be members of the union as such and many branches will close as a large number are run by retired members, mainly because no one wants the job. The dire consequences of this are severe. For example, Trades Councils and the Labour Party will lose delegates at a time when both are struggling to exist locally. In my case we have six delegates to the trades council, mose who attend regularly. We also send delegates to three adjoining constituencies of rht labour party.If this rule book is accepted 'as is' it is yet another nail in the coffin of branches. The structure and timescale leave no room for any changes to be made and there will be no one who is affected to be able to propose any changes in two years time.