Monday 18 May 2009

EEE & ITC lay member structures

Following the EC meeting last week, I now have copies of most of the proposals for the Regional Industrial Sector Committees for the Electrical Engineering and Electronics sector and the IT & Communications sector of UNITE.

These are likely to see a few changes, then go back to a special EC meeting in a week or so.

Why should you care? Well if you are an activist in either sector, you should get involved to make your sector as vibrant and relevant as possible. The proposals set out the numbers of seats and constituencies proposed for each sector in each region. These are supposed to reflect the industrial mix - and it is important that they do so that there as many as possible of our reps and activists can have a say in the sector.

I'm circulating the proposals to the reps who were on the old EEE&IT National Sector Committee for comment. If you are a rep in the sector and want a look, please just get in touch.

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