Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Reinstate Rob Williams

All trade unionists should be supporting the campaign for the reinstatement of Rob Williams, the UNITE convenor at Linamar (formerly Ford, then Visteon) in South Wales.

Linamar sacked Rob in the most disgraceful circumstances - blatant victimisation of a well known figure in the trade union movement. Usually in these circumstances, employers try to hide their intention to slash terms and conditions for the workforce once they have beheaded the union. This time it's out in the open.

Rob played an important part in raising solidarity for his former colleagues at Visteon, and is also vice-chair of the National Shop Stewards Network.

For more information, see http://www.unitedleft.org/2009/05/rob-williams-sacked-step-up-struggle.html or on Facebook or call Rob on 07816134690.

Continue to phone protests to:
Head of Swansea Linamar Brian Wade 01792 656339
Personnel Manager 01792 656238

Messages of protest to linda.hasenfratz@linamar.com
Messages of support to Rob Williams: robbo@redwills.freeserve.co.uk

Unite members in the Swansea Plant are balloting for strike action to force management to reinstate Rob. They are appealing to the trade union movement to contribute to their hardship fund. Make cheques payable to "TGWU branch 4/1" – c/o 31, Waun Wen Terrace, Swansea SA1 1DX or pay into Unity Trust Bank - sort code 086001 account number 20055051.

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