Monday 31 January 2011

Fighting the cuts

The key date in everyone's diary must be 26th March - the mass demonstration against the cuts in London. UNITE members and their families should book places now on the transport from around the country.

The demonstration is extremely important as part of building up the campaign against the cuts, but clearly it will take more than a demonstration to stop them - industrial action will be needed too.

It's impressive to see one small group of UNITE members who are Speech and Language Therapists in Southwark who are going on strike this week over plans to make 1/3 of them redundant as a result of the Con-Dem cuts. Everyone who cares about the NHS should get behind them and help ensure their campaign is successful. They have a protest at 6:30pm on Wednesday 2nd February at Walworth Methodist Church, 54 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0EN. Be there if you can. If you can't please sign their online petition and send them a message of support via

UNITE has launched a separate web site for our "Don't Break Britain" anti-cuts campaign. There's also a SMS text message service (called UniteYou) for updates on the anti-cuts campaign. To join, simply text CUTS to 86888. It is free to receive and to reply to. So far over 50,000 UNITE members have signed up, making it a powerful campaigning tool.

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