Saturday, 15 January 2011

UNITE Rules Conference 2011

UNITE's current rule book, which sets out how the basics of the union's structure and operation, was adopted in a simple Yes/No vote. The Rules Conference taking place in Liverpool on 13-16 June will be the first opportunity for members to amend and improve that rule book, as last year's "special" Rules Conference only dealt with the issue of the future composition of the Executive Council.

Apparently Joint General Secretaries Derek Simpson and Tony Woodley wrote out in December to all officers responsible for constitutional committees (Regional Committees, Regional Industrial Sector Committees, Area Activist Committees, Regional Equalities Committees, National Industrial Sector Committees and National Equalities Committees) and to all branches and chapels inviting them each to submit one rule amendment to be received by Friday 1st April 2011.

While the rule book is not the most exciting aspect of the union, and hardly as pressing as the threats to jobs, pay, pensions etc that many of us face, it is important and we won't get another chance to improve our rulebook until 2015.

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