Friday, 30 September 2011

Busy days in Manchester

There's a busy few days coming up for the trade union movement in Manchester.

On Saturday, there's a rank-and-file meeting of electricians at noon in Manchester's Mechanics Institute, building the campaign in construction against major contractors trying to back out of the JIB agreement, deskill the work and dramatically slash pay.

On Sunday, we have the TUC "March for the Alternative" at the Tory conference in Manchester (route map), assembling at noon. This is followed by a Right To Work post-demo rally, back at the Mechanics Institute.

On Monday, UNITE members at API Holographics in Salford are due to strike again in a dispute over a pay freeze. This UNITE press release includes the address of their picket-line for those who can show support.
[Update 2/10/10: Heard on the march today that tomorrow's strike at API Holographics has been suspended as the company has offered further talks]

On Tuesday, UNITE members at Fujitsu in Manchester and Salford are striking again as part of our long-running dispute over breaches of agreements and victimisation of reps. Details of the pickets and the protest planned outside the Tory conference to coincide with the CEO speaking at a fringe meeting are here.

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