Sunday 6 May 2012

10 May public sector strikes

After a long gap since November 30th, broken only by UCU & NUT striking in London, there is now a chance to get the fight to defend public sector pensions back on track.  UNITE members in Health, MOD and Government departments will be striking on 10th May, as will members of UCU and PCS and a group of RMT members.  UNISON health members also rejected the government's proposals in a ballot, despite strong encouragement from their leaders to accept, but UNISON's leadership shows no sign of calling action to win anything better.

The 10 May is important for all of us, not just those in the public sector.  If the government gets away with making millions of public servants work longer, pay more and get less, it can only encourage private sector employers to come back for another round of attacks on our pensions.  And of course the cuts in pensions are part of the government's wider cuts agenda - pushing the cost of the recession onto working people, tipping the economy into a "double-dip" recession and slashing and privatising our vital services.

We should all build support for members taking action on 10th May, for example:

  • Sending messages of support
  • Collecting money for the strikers
  • Visiting picket-lines before going to work
  • Joining marches and rallies
Manchester TUC has produced a helpful summary of what's going on in Manchester, where there are  marches from the north and south of the city converging for a rally.

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