Monday, 14 May 2012

How to find out which UNITE branch you're in

With the UNITE branch reorganisation in full swing, patchy communication and elections of almost all reps and branch officers across the union due in June, loads of people are asking how to find out which branch they are in, when it meets etc.

If you go to the UNITE web site and log on to "My Unite" (top right hand corner - you may need to register first).

Once you are logged in, the "My Unite" box in the top right should change to show your name and your industrial sector.  If you click on your name you are taken to a page with a number of tabs that allows you to update your personal details, to see the number and name of your branch, who the secretary is, and details of its meetings.  While you're at it, please take a few moments to check and update your contact details and the Equal Opps information.

If you don't have your membership number, or if the page doesn't provide the information you need, you'll need to call your Regional Office.  This map on our branch web site helps you find your region and the contact details for the regional office if you are in the UK.  For the Republic of Ireland see here.

I've previously posted about the process for branch and representative elections, and why they are so important.

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