Sunday, 5 August 2012

Atos - hounding disabled people and giving low pay

Since the "healthcare" branch of IT Services company Atos got involved in assessing benefits for disabled people, it has had nothing but bad publicity, with disabled people protesting about being denied benefits for being "fit to work" despite serious disability and illnes, even conditions that proved terminal shortly after the assessment.

Atos management had the "inspired" idea of sponsoring the paralympics, making life very difficult for satirists who cannot keep ahead of the absurdity of real life. Atos have made the paralympics a target for disability right campaigners such as Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) who plan a "a week of Paralympic fun and games against Atos".

Just to ensure brand destruction, Atos management have also offered staff a below inflation pay offer and refused to commit to the Living Wage, leading to a 76% vote for strike action amongst staff who are PCS members in both Atos Healthcare and Atos IT Services.

Solidarity to everyone protesting against Atos management over the next few weeks!

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