Thursday, 2 August 2012

IT & Comms Regional Industrial Sector Conferences 2012

I'll add details to this page as I find them out:

  1. East Midlands: 2pm, Monday 10th September, The Spot Conference Centre
  2. Ireland: Northern Ireland: 10:30am, Monday 24th September, UNITE Belfast office.  Republic of Ireland: 2pm, Saturday 15th September, UNITE Dublin office.
  3. London & Eastern: 10:30am, Saturday 29th September, UNITE Woodberry office
  4. North West: 10am, Friday 14th September, UNITE, Merchants Quay, Salford Quays, Salford, M50 3SG
  5. North East, Yorkshire & Humberside: 10:30am, Tuesday 11th September, York Railway Institute
  6. Scotland: 2-5pm, Wednesday 26th September, John Smith House
  7. South East: 11am, Thursday 27th September, Hilton Hotel, Cobham
  8. South West: 2pm, Tuesday 28th August, The Barn, Hankridge Way, Taunton, TA1 2LR
  9. Wales: 11am, Wednesday 5th September, UNITE Cardiff office.  Note: this is a combined meeting with the "Electronic Engineering and Electronics", "Energy" and "Servicing and General Industries" sectors.
  10. West Midlands: 1:30pm, Tuesday 25th 25 September, Broad Street Committee Room 1
The official page, which lists them by region rather than sector, is here - please check for updates.

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