Monday, 27 May 2013

Unite Fight Back launched

I went to the national meeting with Jerry Hicks and his supporters on Saturday, to discuss how to build on the 80,000 votes in the recent General Secretary election.

The meeting agreed in principle to set up a new network, called Unite Fight Back, to develop solidarity networks as well as campaigning to improve UNITE policies and rules along the lines of the Jerry's election campaign.  I did a lengthy post explaining why I backed Jerry in the election campaign, but I think it can really be summarised in three themes:

  1. The need for a more effective fight back against austerity - in deeds not just words
  2. The need to change the relationship with Labour so they don't take our money for nothing
  3. The need to make UNITE's leadership and structures more accountable and less remote

It's early days yet, but there's already a web site, Facebook page and Twitter account up and running.  Whether you backed Jerry, Len or (like most members) nobody at all, whether you want to be part of the new network or not, sign up for these and help break down the lack of communication in UNITE.  It really should feel like you've got a million members behind you whenever any members are taking action.

The new web site also has more detail on the About page.

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