Monday, 3 June 2013

London & Eastern Executive Council by-election

Due to yet another Executive Council member (EC) taking an appointed position as a UNITE officer part way through his term of office, there's a vacancy for one of the London & Eastern regional seats on the EC.

Branches and workplaces in the London & Eastern region can hold nomination meetings up until 28th June.  Make sure you follow the rules for nomination meetings, which are available on via the UNITE web site which has all the details about the election.

Ian Bradley is one of the rank and file electricians who led the successful campaign to defend their national agreement against BESNA - a plan by some of the major companies to cut pay by up to 35%.  He's produced a letter seeking nominations.

Please give Ian your support.  His details are:

  • Name: Ian Bradley
  • Branch: London and Eastern Construction LE/0555
  • Membership number: 20034585

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