Sunday, 11 November 2007

Reinstate Karen Reissmann

Over 100 UNISON members in the NHS in Manchester have been on all out strike since Thursday, demanding the reinstatement of their branch chair, Karen Reissmann, who has been sacked for speaking out against cuts and privatisation in the NHS.

The campaign has its own web site, but unfortunately it doesn't always include all the latest information.

The campaign has been getting a lot of sympathetic coverage, partly because journalists know that if NHS staff get sacked for speaking to them, their sources will dry up. When the Manchester Evening News, Socialist Worker and the Daily Mail are all on the same side, you know you're involved in a campaign that can win.

The next couple of big events in the campaign are:

  • Solidarity Meeting, 7pm, Wednesday 14th November, Mechanics Institute, Princess St [entrance Major St], Manchester city centre.
  • Demonstartion, 1pm, Saturday 24 November, Peace Gardens, off St Peters Square, behind town hall, Manchester
What else can you do:
a) send an email protesting to Sheila Foley, Chief executive of Karen’s trust on and copy to her union branch
b) Write to Alan Johnson, secretary of state for health on
c) Send a donation to strike hardship fund (cheques payable to "Manchester Community and Mental Health UNISON" can be sent to Manchester Community and Mental Health Branch.
c/o union office , Chorlton House, 70 Manchester Rd, Manchester M21 9UN)

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