Sunday, 24 February 2008

IT industry and the new UNITE rulebook

I've already posted about the draft sector structure for UNITE, and the concerns about the impact on our sector.

The Amicus NEC has since decided it doesn't wish to see the proposed sector structure. As an Amicus NEC member I have not seen any part of the new rules.

The TGWU web site includes a February update on the merger, including both the draft sector structure and the news that the TGWU section's executive (GEC) are seeing each rule as it is agreed by the commission. Good for them!

I've written to Steve Davison, chair of the Amicus NEC and joint chair of the rules commission, asking him to draw to the attention of the rules commission the concerns about the impact of the draft new structure on our ability to organise in the IT industry. Thanks to everyone who had given me feedback on the draft letter and in particular to the following who endorsed the concerns I was expressing:

  • Amicus EEE&IT West Midlands Regional Sector Conference
  • Amicus EEE&IT North-West Regional Sector Conference
  • Amicus EEE&IT South-East Regional Sector Conference
  • Amicus EEE&IT London Regional Sector Conference
  • Amicus EEE&IT Eastern Regional Sector Conference
  • Sean Leahy, chair EEE&IT National Sector Committee, senior staff rep, Ericsson
  • John Clark, EEE&IT National Sector Committee member, North East
  • John Garvani, EEE&IT National Sector Committee member, Yorkshire & Humberside
  • Tony Boyle, EEE&IT Regional Sector Committee member, Scotland
  • Colin Lawford, accredited rep, Accenture
  • Liz Braithwaite, workplace rep, CSC
  • Gilbert Stewart, workplace rep, CSC
  • Jeremy Cole, workplace rep, CSC, East Yorkshire
  • Mike Cummins, workplace rep, Xansa
  • Bernie Clark, workplace rep, Xansa
  • Stewart Marshall, workplace rep, EDS
  • Richard Milner, Jointly Accredited Office Rep, Steria
  • Alasdair Lewis, workplace rep, Fujitsu West Midlands
  • Alan Black, workplace rep, Fujitsu Glasgow
  • Trevor Palmer, workplace rep, Fujitsu Stevenage
  • Robert Dimmick, workplace rep, Fujitsu Staines
  • UNITE Reps Committee, Fujitsu Manchester
  • John Smith, workplace rep, Electrolux Spennymoor
  • Peter Rutherford, Unite Staff Secretary, Siemens Power Generation, Newcastle

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