Sunday, 17 February 2008

Manchester Area Quarterly meeting, 12th Feb

The main points were:

  1. Discussion on improving participation, picking up on ideas from the last committee meeting.
  2. Agreement that the future quarterly meetings would be on the dates in the letter being sent out from head office, not the ones discussed at the last committee
  3. Clarification about who is on the Area Committee
  4. The next quarterly meeting (20th May) will be on the Credit Crunch, which is having an impact on working people in every sector, but most directly in Finance
  5. Lobby your MPs to support the agency & temporary workers bill on 22nd February
  6. Remind members to vote in the UNITE NEC elections 3-28 March.
  7. A group of young members from the north-west are going to join May Day celebrations in Cuba this year.
  8. We will do a Manchester street stall in support of the pensions campaign by Lil-lets workers on 8th March (International Women's Day)
  9. We will look at having a stall at the Manchester Town Hall event for international women's day.
  10. We had a speaker from Rolls Royce Bootle. Their plant is threatened with closure and jobs moving to the USA. They feel subject to unfair competition with US plants having little or no rent or rates to pay. Exchange rates are also an issue. They thanked everyone for supporting their campaign, which will continue.

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