Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Fighting redundancies at Steria, job losses at Freescale

In the current economic climate it is vital that unions take a robust opposition to job cuts. It's therefore good to see the UNITE press release about the industrial action ballot of members at Steria in Manchester. They are fighting against plans for compulsory redundancies arising from work being offshored to India.

The members provide IT services to CFS (Coop Financial Services) - does this really fit with the "ethical" image the coop tries to portray?

I don't yet have permission to publish details of where to send messages of support, but will pass on any sent to me for the time being.

Meanwhile the jobs massacre in the manufacturing part of our sector continues with 800 jobs going at Freescale in Scotland.

1 comment:

Ian said...

Messages of support for Steria can go to the local rep there.

His email address is "Chris.Martin" followed by the "@" sign, then "" (I'm writing it like this to avoid him getting a lot of spam).

Please copy them to the UNITE officer, Richard Lynch, which is "Richard.Lynch" followed by the "@" sign, then "".