Sunday 21 April 2013

Hanson brick works - still on all-out strike

UNITE members at Hanson brick works near Peterborough are fighting against proposals to cut their holiday entitlement.  They began an indefinite all-out strike on 8th April and are still out.  All-out strikes are rare at the moment, but can often be the quickest way to win.

Please give them all the support you can - every example of workers standing up to greedy bosses and winning makes every member more confident - a victory for one is a victory for all.  Let's make the strikers (and their employer!) feel that they really do have 1.5m members behind them.

Please send messages of support to the senior steward Stan Dow or to 41 Inhams Road, Whittlesey, Peterborough PE7 1TT. Cheques made payable to “Unite the Union 8/10/738 Branch”.

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