The general public image of the "Not For Profit" sector is pretty "fluffy", yet the reality of employment practices is often pretty grim. Bosses (often pretty well paid) often expect those at the bottom of the pile to put up with anything if it helps achieve the organisation's objectives. Low pay and bullying are rife.
It's sad to see members at Shelter being forced to take a second day's strike action today to resist attempts to force them to sign up to new employment contracts.
I popped down to the Shelter office in Manchester this morning before work to show some support for the members braving the storms on the picket line.
Just because they're doing a useful job, why should they have to put up with being treated so shoddily?
If the government continues to block council house building - driving up the cost of housing - we're likely to see even more repossessions and homelessness in coming months.
Shelter strikers have a facebook group.
The latest news on there says:
Subject: Update on Shelter Dispute - Further Strike on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th of March
Shelter management have approached the union for discussions on ways, in their words, "to mitigate the impact" of the proposed cuts to staff terms and conditions.
This is the first sign that our strikes are succeeding, but we are still counting on your support to keep the pressure up on Shelter management.
We have notified Shelter of two days strike action on the 19th and 20th of March. Details of the picket lines will be circulated as soon as they are available.
Please continue to visit the lines, the support helps boost morale and show Shelter management that people outside the organisation are with us.
If you haven't done so yet, please send messages of support to and messages of protest to . Pass motions in your union branches for messages of support and in-principle strike fund donations.
Your support matters. Together we can win!
In solidarity
Shelter management are incompetent and waste lots of money. Its a disgrace the way staff are being treated at Shelter, with lump it or leave attitude. Some good quality staff members have been forced to leave, and ultimatly it effects Shelter and its client base.
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