Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Election process for UNITE's first Executive Council begins

The postal strike means that paperwork may arrive at branches later than planned, but copies of the letter and booklet accompanying the nomination forms have been placed on the union's web site. These are in PDF format - if you can't open the file you can download the free "Acrobat Reader" software from

Key points to grasp are:

  • branches can nominate at their November & December meetings only
  • workplace representatives must request nomination forms from their Regional Office
  • workplace representatives must have their nomination endorsed by a meeting of the members they represent which takes place during November & December
If you're in the EEE&IT sector and want to nominate me, the following information may be useful:
  • Name: Ian Allinson
  • Membership number: 30439666
  • Branch: Greater Manchester IT
  • Branch number: 9827M
If you want to invite me to your workplace or branch, please get in touch - see the "About & Contact" box on the top right of this page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried calling the regional office for the reps' nomination forms, but was told they haven't got them yet (probably due to the postal strikes). They suggested calling again next week.