Saturday, 13 October 2007

NHS Together Demonstration, 3rd November

UNITE, along with other unions, is encouraging all members to attend the NHS Together demonstration in London on Saturday 3rd November.

The Amicus web site includes a campaign page with details, leaflets, materials and contacts to book transport to London.

The defence of the NHS isn't just an issue for our members who work in the health service - it's an issue for us all.

Members in my own workplace have got a lot more involved in the issue recently, because we received a lot of support during our strikes earlier this year at Fujitsu from a local UNISON health branch who were on strike against cuts at the same time. Karen Reissmann, one of their leading activists, has now been suspended by their employer. To their credit, UNISON members are taking extensive strike action and campaigning for her reinstatement. After working so closely together during our strikes, our members have been particularly keen to offer financial and practical support to their campaign.

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