Wednesday 30 January 2008

Update on EEE&IT sector conferences

Regional Sector Conferences are taking place at the moment in the Amicus section of UNITE - every workplace representative is entitled to attend the one for their sector in their region. I've previously posted the dates and venues for the EEE&IT sector conferences.

Several have already taken place, and I thought it might be helpful to give an update.

Any rep can propose a motion specifically about their sector at their conference. The conference can choose up to two which go forward to the National Sector Conference in June, and can become the policy of the sector.

Please have a think about motions before you go to your conference. It's best if quite a few people have ideas, people can debate them and pick the most important. It's not as if we're short of issues!

When drafting your motion(s), please bear in mind that the form they will be submitted on starts with the words "This conference...". Keep it short, simple and specific to our sector.

I understand that motions have already been passed on the following topics:

  1. North East: a motion about the impact on Climate Change and the environment of closing factories and transporting goods around the world.
  2. Yorkshire & Humberside: a motion about the new wave of attacks on occupational pensions in our sector. A motion about the loss of the organiser for our sector and how we can develop our sector organising plan.
  3. South West: a motion for a shorter working week
Do you know of any more?

If you can't attend, please send in your apologies, so that those who do attend have the option of including you in the delegation to the National Sector Conference or involving you in the Regional Sector Committee.

1 comment:

Ian said...

North West conference yesterday passed three motions on:
1) Health & Safety in the semiconductor manufacturing industry
2) Making our sector structure work
3) Where our sector would sit in the draft new UNITE structure

The regional conferences are only allowed to prioritise two motions to go to the National Sector Conference in June - we chose the first two. Hopefully another region will prioritise the third.